The Vulnerable Narcissist

They’re Not Quite Like the Typical Narcissist

Belly of a Whale
5 min readDec 23, 2023
Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

The term “narcissist” is such a buzzword these days. Any conflict a person experiences, and it’s common for one or both parties to call the other a narcissist. The truth is, in the moment of conflict, perhaps both of them expressed narcissistic tendencies. After all, most of us suck at conflict. It’s human nature to protect our concepts and perceptions of ourselves until we dare to face the pain of realizing we aren’t perfect. But just because a person shows occasional narcissistic tendencies, it does not mean they are narcissists.

So, what takes a person from having a typical level of narcissism to being a vulnerable narcissist?

The vulnerable narcissist does not see themselves as at fault for anything.

The vulnerable narcissist carries so much shame that it hurts them too much to self-reflect. The individual will be pleasant, cooperative, and even caring until you point out their shortcomings.

The vulnerable narcissist will be supportive until you’ve wounded them; then, they will demonize you.

If someone ever dares try to talk to a vulnerable narcissist about their faults or an issue the person has with the vulnerable narcissist…



Belly of a Whale

Mom /Law Student/Trauma Survivor; Others: "Do you have a theme to your stories?" Me: "A theme? Of course!!! My theme is randomness."