Belly of a Whale
2 min readMar 7, 2024


The type of kindness or niceness I'm referring to is the type that lacks honesty. I'm in law, so it's common in my profession for people to use kindness to get others to do what they want. For example, an attorney will start their examination of an opposing party by stating, "I like you" because then it's easier to manipulate answers out of the witness that end up helping their client. Or attorneys will act sweet as pie to your face, yes for likeability, when in reality they can't stand you but if you believe they like you and feel good around them because they're kind to you, then you'll refer them to others, or be more likely to come to an agreement with them or vote for them to be judge or senator. In a romantic relationship, it might be gaining likeability through kindness for sex or other services, even if the guy doesn't actually like you in return.

I'm not worried about being manipulated into liking men. I like most everyone even if they're manipulative or assholes. I'm more annoyed by their not being direct with me because it wastes my time. I'm too busy to try and figure out what they want. So I'll jack with men (and in my experience, it's more common with the men I deal with) who will not be direct with me because they want to appear to be the nice guy for their ego boost or to get something from me. The way I jack with them is to pretend I'm too dense to understand their subtle, diplomatic hints.



Belly of a Whale

Mom /Law Student/Trauma Survivor; Others: "Do you have a theme to your stories?" Me: "A theme? Of course!!! My theme is randomness."